Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables to grow and nothing beats eating fresh juicy tomatoes straight from your own garden. Growing tomatoes takes a bit of effort but the rewards of biting into a delicious home-grown tomato that’s full of flavour and vitamins are well worth it.
First steps
To create the best quality tomatoes, you need good, healthy, fertile soil as the nutrients from the soil will fuel the growth of your tomato crop.
Add good quality compost to your growing area to ensure your tomatoes have the best start to life.
The compost created from your Zing Bokashi composting kit provides plenty of nutrients. As a guide, use one bucket for every two tomato plants. Four to six plants will yield a good harvest for you and your family.
I prepared a spot for my tomatoes a little while ago and have already planted my first plants. Now is a great time to get planting, whether you are planting outdoors or in a glasshouse. If you haven't a glasshouse, then site selection becomes important. Tomatoes love a warm and sunny spot and well sheltered from prevailing winds.
Let’s Get Growing