Poultry Zing is a feed supplement containing organic ingredients with natural microorganisms to boost the nutritional value of the usual daily feed for chickens.
By adding Poultry Zing to chicken feed, you will increase the beneficial properties of the feed and improve the quality of the eggs/meat produced.
Poultry Zing boosts the microbiological activity of your chicken feed and improves the digestive process by enhancing intestinal flora. It contains crushed wheat, bran, NuFeed and natural microorganisms (GRAS approved). Poultry Zing is not an animal remedy as is classified as exempt from AVCM Act.
Benefits of Poultry Zing
Enhances the digestion and conversion of the feed
Boosts intestinal microflora
Provides disease resistance
Reduces odour and breakdown of faecal matter
About Poultry Zing
Add to daily feed ration:
Chickens - 1% of daily feed –up to 1-2gms per bird per day
Layers/Broilers - 3% of daily feed- approximately 5gms per day
Nitrogen 2.5%
Dry matter 91.3%
Crude protein 15.9%
Ash 10.2%
Soluble sugar 0.8%
Crude fat 2.7%
Digestibility of dry matter 76.3%
Metabolisable Energy 11.3%
Poultry Zing should be stored out of direct sunlight in a cool place
Avoid opening in an enclosed area
Avoid inhalation of the product
Always wear gloves and a mask when using the product
Customer feedback
“All in all I would say the Zing improved feed digestion levels incredibly thus improving hen health and productivity which means they made more eggs while needing to eat less feed!”