Composting Toilets

Composting Toilets

Reduce your environmental footprint

A waterless composting toilet provides an eco-friendly alternative to a flush toilet and septic tank system. Our composting toilets contain a well-ventilated chamber that breaks down human waste under controlled aerobic conditions.

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How do composting toilets work? 

Sterile urine is separated from solids into a small gravel absorption trench (this can be collected, diluted, and used as fertiliser.) Solid waste is broken down into safe, odourless compost via simple organic decomposition. 

Click here for more information on how composting toilets work.
Installation Maintenance

Waterless composting toilets are ideal for:

  • Off the grid homes/new home builds
  • Eco and tiny houses
  • Farm outbuildings
  • Community gardens/walkways/recreation areas

Benefits of composting toilets

  • Saves 35,000 litres of water per year per family
  • No expensive maintenance
  • Turns waste into compost 
  • No odour

Which model of toilet is best for me?

It is important to consider your location, site, and the floor of your current/planned building.

How many people will be using the toilet? Will it be used on a full-time or part-time basis? Don’t forget to include guests in your calculations.

If the location where you want to install a composting toilet can be connected to a sewerage system, you are usually legally required to do so. 

Your site should be clear of boundary lines, existing wells, and waterways. Your local council can provide you with further information.

You will need to consider the floor of your current or planned building. 

Does your current/planned building have a solid floor (e.g. – concrete) or a raised floor” (i.e. 450mm-750mm below the floor)?

If you have a raised floor, then it is best to consider the Split-Level composting toilet.

Composting toilet tips

  • Check that the toilet container is stocked with bulking agent
  • Check if the chambers are full. When full, prepare a new chamber by following the instruction manual.
  • Regularly check vent pipes for blockages
  • Regularly check that the fan is working. It is best to have a spare fan on hand.
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