A hole needs to be cut through the bathroom floor for the waste chute, and a space of between 450mm- 750mm high is required beneath the flooring where the toilet pedestal/bowl is located. This space houses the compost treatment chamber.
If you do not have the required height, it may be possible to modify it by creating different flooring levels within the bathroom, or if you have a sloping block you can position the toilet above the void under the floor.
The standard waste chute is 550mm long however, additional waste chute length and seal can be provided if the height between floor and ground is greater than 550mm plus the chamber height.
With all CM split systems only one toilet pedestal can connect to a chamber.
Nature Loo and CM composting toilets do not need to be installed on the north side of a home. The full chamber that is no longer connected to the pedestal is best positioned in direct sunlight.
Split level systems such as CMHP/CMLP composting toilets require less than half the space of other factory built composting toilets. This is an important point to consider depending on your sub-floor structure. A footprint of approximately 1m square is required to install a CMHP- CMLP compost toilet.
You need to access your CMHP/CMLP composting toilet to change the chambers. We recommend preparing a one square meter concrete pad for the in-service chamber directly below the pedestal, or letting it sit on a couple of timber sleepers, which can act as runners for the chamber wheels.
The centre of this pad lines up with the centre of the waste chute and pedestal. Ideally the pad area will have a small incline or fall (20mm over 1000mm, ¾ inch over 3 feet) and falls towards the excess liquid pipe. This helps drain the chamber.