Capacity: Low capacity / 2 people full-time /4 people part-time.
Underfloor clearance: On slab
Certified: No
The CM2 system is perfect as a full-time composting toilet for two people.
Easy to install with a simple design; this waterless composting toilet system is great for the environment and is a popular temporary toilet solution whilst building a house, for weekend homes, and as an economical and pleasant alternative to a drop toilet. It comes with chamber screen.
Once installed there is no need to disconnect anything because, unlike other low-cost waterless composting toilets, the CM2 CS pedestal remains in place with only the internal compost chamber changing. The CM2 CS’s capacity can be increased with additional composting chambers. Zing Bokashi supplies 3 composting chambers to increase capacity.
Package includes:
Height – 500 mm
Width – 395 mm
Depth - 620 mm