Collect your daily food waste in a container. The average amount of daily waste is 2L
per household.
First sprinkle a small amount of Compost Zing into the bucket (approx. 1 Tbsp). This promotes smooth fermentation.
Add your well-drained daily food waste to the bucket. It’s best to add your food waste once a day as opening the bucket more often can disrupt the fermentation process.
Each time you add food waste to the bucket you need to add 1-2 Tbsp of Compost Zing on top.
Compost Zing is anaerobically active therefore it is best to remove excess air after every addition. Do this by pressing the contents down.
Activate the air seal by fastening the lid one side at a time. Repeat steps 1-6.
Make sure you drain the Zing Bokashi juice that collects in your bottom bucket every couple of days. This juice is best used on the day you collect it.
When your bucket is full, close the lid and keep in a warm place out of direct sunlight for 7-10 days, 10-14 days in cooler conditions.
When the fermentation process is complete your food waste is ready to go into the soil to complete the second stage. It will still resemble food at this stage.
Place your fermented food waste in a trench that is approximately 600mm long by 300mm wide by 300mm deep.
Using a spade, sprinkle a little soil over the top of the food waste and then ‘chop’ down with your spade to mix the soil through the food waste. Finish by covering with 75-100mm of soil.
After 2-4 weeks your buried food waste will turn into nutrient rich compost. Wait 2 weeks before planting vegetables into the soil.